Sunday 18 February 2007

nobody panic

I'm alive! And in hall at the moment... gahh I still lack some things, but hey, hall food is quite okay! (is happy) So far, I've met one person from my block (which, incidentally, has 7 people. yes. 7), but I guess it's because no one else has moved in yet. I've also met the two guys I share a balcony with... one's a med student too, year1. The other? I dunno, he was on the phone when I saw him, so I didn't ask.

Right now, I'm steaming my room (ahh what a way to put it). In other words, boiling water in my rice cooker and leaving the lid half-open to let the steam out. My own personal sauna. *big grin*

Annie, Zhai, auntie Jeannie and Evan: thanks for coming to the airport!!! *grin*
Kai and Dawn: Don't worry about not coming... hope you're both feeling lots better now!

Okay, orientation starts tomorrow and I have to walk ALL THE WAY to Trinity to meet every other year 1. And that's a 20 minute walk. I think. In other words... What in the WORLD am I doing up now?!?!?!

Good night world! and 新年快乐~

1 comment:

dawn said...

Choopsie Choops! So sorry :(

Kai Ling was sick too? Aiyoh.

20 minute walk, huh? Complaining much? *wink*

I have something to make you feel better ...

I updated! :D

Well, unless you read the chapter already.