Friday, 29 June 2007

this is probably going to be utterly random...

I really should be sleeping... so pardon me for any typos I might make in the course of this post. I can't say i did much that could be considered tiring today, so I guess it's walking under the blazing sun that got to me.

I dont' remember it being this hot walking around NTU, except for the one time Annie and I walked to SBS from NIE after lunch. And today, today, I just had be smart enough to get off just before Esther's place, and then find out that she and Kai were still at Jurong Point... and then walk all the way canteen 13. It's not like I haven't walked that route before in NTU, but my impression was that it was a lot cooler the last time I did that. But anyway, lunch was good... catching up with them, having food from the Korean stall. I'll probably go over to NTU again while I'm here, to pester Esther and maybe drag her to NIE for lunch? hehehe I do miss the fish there. And the chicken rice ain't bad either. ahh just thinking about it makes me hungry... yesyesyes I'll have to pop by again.

Still, I prefer the part after lunch, when we went back to Esther's room (sigh Kai your meeting took so long... *whine* how was it?) and just talked and talked about being overseas and being home, random stuff about random events and random people. And some not-so-random anime... did you get the exchange thing sorted out in the end, Esther?

ooh and I finally got started on Phase 1 of my dastardly plan... muahahaha this is going to be fun.

菊花台 is a pretty song... it's been stuck in my head most of the day, really. It just makes me want to dance. But then, lots of songs do that. I wonder what tomorrow's song will be... yesterday's was an extremely confusing amalgamation of Hallelujah, Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod) and Ave Maria (Schubert).

Hmm going to meet Rockey and Szejia tomorrow for lunch at J8... haven't seen them for so long! Really looking forward to it. Shall bring my camera along too. whee~ Oh yeah and I must remember to buy a few things while I'm out, yupyup.

Joel: what do you consider an "active" blog? And what defines an "inactive" blog? And send me the score for 菊花台!!!

right. it's indecently late... time for bed. And hey, I was right... this post is rather random.

but then, so am I.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

freedom is mine...

If only for a little while.

First... a bit about Latin. Which was. Terrible. Pretty much everyone was shivering. Sure, it was pouring outside, rain coming down in sheets, windows rattling in the wind... It didn't help that the room had a really high ceiling, and very few people. But cold can be warded off with a nice thick jacket. Stress from a tough paper isn't so easily blocked, especially when the paper is right in front of you and you've got no idea what "they flee" is in latin. Or what declension "triste" is. Is it nominative, neuter, singular? I have no idea. Knowing that "ora pro nobis peccatoribus" means "pray for us sinners" doesn't help either. Nor does having Ave Maria stuck in your head, even if it is a really pretty song. and for the person who thinks I'm gonna do really well, you can think again.

Ok. Rant over.

one day, i might just write an entire post in Latin.
Who am I kidding?

In other news.... have I mentioned that I never thought I'd hate the heat this much? Still, it's home, and you really can't beat having nice, simple, risk-free home-cooked food. Like plain steamed fish, which i've been craving for the entire semester. And fish+cabbage soup. I like my food cooked simply, without all sorts of extra flavours.

I'm making myself hungry. *note to self: flee temptation!

Oh right NOW I remember the word for "I flee". dots... fat load of help "fugio" is now.

I've been on a Potterish bent of late... bouncing in my seat with anticipation over the last book, which I'm so going to pick up the day after I get back to Perth. whee~ And in true Hermione fashion, I've actually made a list of things to do while I'm free...

1. Make earrings.
2. Multiply that by 3. pairs. Oh gosh I just thought of using Snitches in the design...
3. Make necklace(s?)
4. Finish the books I brought home
5. Watch OotP. Dawn had better be free to go.
6. Start choreographing...
7. Go out with us_six. only Annie ain't around (glares in her general direction)
8. KTV with tommy more people... is it still on?
9. blog more. heh
10. Play piano!!!
11. Actually do everything I've listed above...

Time to sleep though... even if my fingers are itching to make stuff...

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

I (heart) sphenoid

I labelled the SPHENOID as the ETHMOID!!! gah.

why couldn't they have given something easier... like the zygomatic arch or the parietal bone or something like that. But no..... SPHENOID!!!


Nutella is comfort food

Yesterday wasn't quite a good day... let's start with breakfast. We get to have hot breakfast every morning during the exam period right? So a lot of people got up early after dreaming about bacon or eggs or hashbrowns. And they went down to the dining hall. And saw... baked beans. And then they sighed and went to get toast. I had cereal, as usual, with lots of honey! Yum. Nutella was popular yesterday... they guys at my table were spreading such thick layers on their toast that I figured eating straight from the jar would have been more efficient. They were muttering about the lack of bacon and eggs the whole time, about how they should have just stayed in bed, throwing orders at each other to "Guard the Nutella with your life!"

So we had the FAHB practical exam yesterday. The first half was alright, except for one odd photo which looks like nothing I've ever seen before. But, as it turns out, we HAVE seen a similar slide before... different magnification, different stains. At that point, it just didn't look like anything to me. At least I knew the rest. Mostly. Almost couldn't find the last item though, because my cadaver was resting on what I was supposed to look at. Otherwise, the human anatomy and histology section was pretty okay.

But the animal bio section!!! GAH. stupid photos were incomprehensible. Black and white photos of the male and female reproductive systems of pigs, I ask you. How am I supposed to identify anything when it all looks pretty much the same? Sure I got the allantoic bladder but that's about it. And then I got some unidentifiable transverse section of some really tiny mammal. And the dissections... I couldn't tell what some of the structures were, and having broken organs didn't help. The people before me must have poked around a bit too much. It didn't help that they smelled a bit too. Of formaldehye.

How could I miss the stupid gall bladder?!?!?!?!?!

*rant over*

The ducks in Matilda Bay are so cute... I like seeing them sleep. Especially if they're all standing in a line and all their heads are turned to the left and tucked in. There was a little black cygnet too, which I saw the last time I was there. I suspect I might have seen its mummy before... I wonder where she is? Oh, no pelicans yesterday though... sad... Next time, I'm going to walk further upstream. Hopefully I'll get to see dolphins.

Ah yes... breakfast today was loads better... Bacon and tomatoes!!! Hahahaha.. yum. Really salty bacon, but the tomatoes hid the taste. But the best part? Nutella with cereal. Arthur is so going to kill me for it. Maybe I'll kill myself studying for FAHB and FMC first and save him the trouble? Oh gosh FMC. That will REALLY kill me.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

As the cute one orders, so I shall do

Hah. I just realised I can say that in Latin!!! Only there isn't an equivalent for cute one that I know of. ut cute one iubet, ita ego faciam. But I digress. I need to keep the cute one entertained, don't I? (Yes cute one you know who you are.) So here's a few pics from last Saturday's dinner...

Let it be known that Flamethrowers Are Cool... We got to watch them while the pre-dinner drinks and snacks were served

See what I mean?
And then... into the dining hall for the dinner (for most) and performances (for the rest of us). Well... we were supposed to get ready, but we'd already changed, so instead...

Performances. The guys' banghra was really, really, cool. And fun to watch too.

Food. yummy. I'm hungry AGAIN.

Performing with Ericius. Good song, excellent pianist, good singers... but terrible sound system. Every note from us and the piano went through the mics and came out off-pitch. And the dining hall doesn't have very good acoustics either. *sigh* I really prefer to sing in the chapel. It sounds so much better.

Random photos

This is what happens when you try to get these two to take a photo.
First, force them to stand still and not hide their faces.

Then comes my retribution. *sigh*

Fun? You'd better believe it. I think I know what to do for next year's already... ahahaha

dots. I started on this post at 11am on Saturday. and there are just so many pics and such a slow connection that it takes aaaaaaaaaages to upload them all. That's why I'm only posting now. sigh... I can't believe it took that long. but! It's done!!!