Sunday 24 June 2007

freedom is mine...

If only for a little while.

First... a bit about Latin. Which was. Terrible. Pretty much everyone was shivering. Sure, it was pouring outside, rain coming down in sheets, windows rattling in the wind... It didn't help that the room had a really high ceiling, and very few people. But cold can be warded off with a nice thick jacket. Stress from a tough paper isn't so easily blocked, especially when the paper is right in front of you and you've got no idea what "they flee" is in latin. Or what declension "triste" is. Is it nominative, neuter, singular? I have no idea. Knowing that "ora pro nobis peccatoribus" means "pray for us sinners" doesn't help either. Nor does having Ave Maria stuck in your head, even if it is a really pretty song. and for the person who thinks I'm gonna do really well, you can think again.

Ok. Rant over.

one day, i might just write an entire post in Latin.
Who am I kidding?

In other news.... have I mentioned that I never thought I'd hate the heat this much? Still, it's home, and you really can't beat having nice, simple, risk-free home-cooked food. Like plain steamed fish, which i've been craving for the entire semester. And fish+cabbage soup. I like my food cooked simply, without all sorts of extra flavours.

I'm making myself hungry. *note to self: flee temptation!

Oh right NOW I remember the word for "I flee". dots... fat load of help "fugio" is now.

I've been on a Potterish bent of late... bouncing in my seat with anticipation over the last book, which I'm so going to pick up the day after I get back to Perth. whee~ And in true Hermione fashion, I've actually made a list of things to do while I'm free...

1. Make earrings.
2. Multiply that by 3. pairs. Oh gosh I just thought of using Snitches in the design...
3. Make necklace(s?)
4. Finish the books I brought home
5. Watch OotP. Dawn had better be free to go.
6. Start choreographing...
7. Go out with us_six. only Annie ain't around (glares in her general direction)
8. KTV with tommy more people... is it still on?
9. blog more. heh
10. Play piano!!!
11. Actually do everything I've listed above...

Time to sleep though... even if my fingers are itching to make stuff...


Eric said...

Whoa... Latin seems brutal. I'm glad I don't plan to take it for a while...

jie said...

It's not that brutal, really. It's fun, and I get a real kick out of understanding why certain (English) words exist and why they've got particular meanings. Especially when I get to figure it out for myself. The paper wasn't, though.

jushi said...

wah everyone in sg now, all the blogs so inactive:(